Uma Design (352313)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (29 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Blade Trail Fabric SET
Published Mar 9, 2010
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1281 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Teen Girl Sleepwear - SET
Published Jan 29, 2010
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About Me
When I was younger, I liked fashion design. Unfortunately, even though I can draw, I can't sew! No realistic career choice for me. Somewhat older, I planned to become an architect, but the school I chose shut down just when I was to apply, so I changed my plans. But now I can fulfill my old dreams here at TSR, designing clothes and houses for Sims2! What a great opportunity! --- And now I'm getting started on Sims3...
My Latest Updates Show All
I finally made it!!Written Feb 22, 2010
I need patterns for my Sims3 and have been trying for some time now to make them, but without success. Then I found this great tutorial by Sinastra, who tipped about a plug-in for Photoshop. That made all the difference in the world! After some fumbling around I finally managed to get started with pattern making. I'm really happy about this! Now I don't have to wait for somebody else to create... ...More
Hooked on Sims3Written Jan 28, 2010
I like the foreign adventures in Sims3 and have been playing them a lot. I also tried to make my first pattern for the game and managed to separate the channels ok, but the final colors were not even close to what they were supposed to be. Seems it requires a lot of patience to create stuff for the game... Hopefully I will find that endurance one of these days! ...More
Gimme a breakWritten Jan 01, 2010
Computer problems, work overload, multiple colds, artist's cramp... can make anyone crack. I just couldn't find the energy for Sims 2. On the other hand, my son got Sims 3 on his computer, and we have both been fighting for play time (he usually wins). It's same but different. I would like to create downloads for Sims 3, but just eyeing the manual was too much. Better stick to what I do best,... ...More
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jes sale Aug 25, 2015
great stuff!
JoanLesleySep 17, 2013
I really like all your creations, but I have a problem with the white house. when i put people in it everything freezes can you help?
swaggGurl37Jul 09, 2012
i love your work